:: snowball ::
December 4, 2009 earliest Houston snowfall on record.
I'm thinking I want to add a little greenery to the stockings
sometime soon - a little jolly holly.
:: santa ::
We got a new silver Christmas tree this year, with holographic "needles" that reflect a rainbow of color. I love, love, love it because it's skinny and fits right into our "Christmas tree corner."

This Santa ornament is one of my favorites because it makes me think of my dad. He didn't play the saxaphone, but he was a jolly ol' elf, indeed.
On Christmas day, Emily and I were sick so we all stayed home. Lucky for us, my most talented Hubby is a great cook and whipped up a wonderful Christmas dinner on the spur of the moment. It was a quiet Christmas, but we were all together.
Here's wishing everyone a wonderful New Year.
May 2010 be much better to us than 2009 was!
(And let me just say, whenever I hear an alliteration I think of:
"beets, bears, Battlestar Galactica." Don't you?)
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