CAR ::

Noah finally got himself some wheels! Actually, it's my step-dad's 11-year-old Buick, but it's in great shape. Took awhile to get the paperwork in order, but now Noah's got wheels and he's a happy camper! And so am I since I've been sharing my wheels with one offspring or another for four years. We worked it out beautifully most of the time, but it's a blessing to not have to do all that figuring out of shedules. Whew!

Emily's dance company, Chara, took their 2009-10 company member pictures recently, and they are exquisite! So proud of my ballerina.

My dear cousin Lonnie invited me and my sis over to his mom's house to pick out something to remember our Aunt Shirley by. We each got a piece of art that reminds us of her. And I was able to convince Lonnie that I would give her mixer (over 40 years old!) a very loving home.
Well, I think it was love at first sight when my hubby got a look at it. He cleaned it up all brand-spanking-new and hurried over to Ace Hardware to get a brand new cord, since the original one was twisted up from all those years of preparing wonderful food. (He even gave our "old" hand mixer to Emily! Who needs two hand mixers?)
Maybe we'll get another 40 years out of this beauty. That's lots of pancakes and mashed potatoes (two of hubby's specialties).
BTW, I managed to do a little sewing/crafting last weekend.

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